The Interactive Forms Framework stores form designs, resources and activities in a separate database which must be configured before the features can be used.
The schema for the Forms Framework database is published as an SQL Server DAC Package File (.dacpac) and is also available as an SQL Script (.sql). This package should be installed on the same database server as ContactsLaw. The default name for the database is 'FormsFramework'.
If additional configuration is required, be sure to assign appropriate permissions to all users who will connect to the database.
Once installed, the Forms Framework plug-in must be configured to point to the correct database. This step only needs to be performed once, and the settings are shared across all users of ContactsLaw.
On the main forms management screen, click the 'Configure database' link. The database server and database name can be entered into this screen. The remaining options do not typically need to be changed, but are available if required for your particular network environment.
See also
Interactive Forms Framework